How This Organization Helps Youth Make Their Way From Foster Care to Independence (And How You Can Help)

When you look back on your 18th birthday, what do you remember?

  • The excitement of your new-found freedom?

  • The anticipation of new opportunities like going to college or living on your own?

  • The push to move away from loved ones and accomplish something grand?

For teenagers growing up in a stable home, with caring supportive adults, the thrill of taking one’s next steps towards independence is contagious—it becomes one of the most exciting milestones of a teenager’s young adult life.

The thrill of completing high school, graduation parties, touring universities are just a few of the things to look forward to.

The anxious energy one feels isn’t one of fear or dread, but one of exciting anticipation of the unknowns. “I hope I make my parents proud.”

For many, any of those sentiments would be deemed as normal, expected, and welcomed. But the reality is that many teenagers not living in a traditional home with caring and supportive adults have very different experiences.

Each year, 250 teenagers age out of foster care in North Texas and are left to their own devices. Half of these teens will never get to experience the celebration of a high school graduation. 

With the statistics what they are, it’s no surprise that teens aging out of foster care experience high levels of anxiety, fear, and hopelessness.

  • 47% of Texas foster youth will not have finished high school or earned a GED, and by 21 years old, 27% still haven't finished

  • With 70% of aged out youth aspiring to attend college, only 2% of Texas former foster youth will earn a college degree

  • 25% of foster youth will experience homelessness

  • 33% of aging out youth will be lured into human trafficking within 48 hours of leaving home

Sadly these statistics will become a reality for some teenagers aging out of the foster care system.

But there is another WAY

WAY Alliance is a faith-based organization that supports youth transitioning out of foster care to independence and recruits, then trains volunteers from faith communities. 

Their mentoring program then matches these volunteers with teenagers in foster care to help them receive the vital support they need. They also connect teens with resources within the community regarding housing, education, and jobs, all the while teaching them vital life skills they need in order to thrive in adulthood.

Rather than leaving these young adults to their own devices and skillsets, WAY Alliance is dedicated to coming alongside youth to help establish a foundation for a successful future. 

They do this through 3 programs:

  1. One-to-One Mentoring

Each participating youth is teamed up with a trained and caring adult. Not only do they focus on building a relationship and having fun together, but they also work toward the youth's goals and provide knowledge and insight to help each individual thrive.

“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.” — Denzel Washington

Mentoring is actually a restorative relationship. Typically, fostered youth have a complicated history with relationships. Being used to transitional homes with people constantly going in and out of their lives, many fostered youth struggle to understand (let alone experience) what a healthy, supportive relationship looks like.

Studies also show that mentoring also encourages growth and healing. Without the consistent care of loving and supportive adults, many fostered youth have difficulty seeing their own value and worth. Mentors are then able to come alongside these young adults to help shine a light on their strengths, gifts, and skills, ultimately helping them take ownership of their own intrinsic value.

1. Resource Connections

Many fostered youth lack access to the essential basics many other teenagers their age are privy to. Whether it be finding a place to live, understanding college admissions, completing a FAFSA, or securing potential job opportunities, WAY Alliance ensures that whatever resources that specific teenager needs, help will be provided. 

Over time, trust and credibility is built between both mentors and mentees. Finally having someone to guide them through the complicated process of gaining independence, these youth are helped significantly.

This past March, WAY Alliance held a workshop at a local Chick-Fil-A for teenagers to gain exposure to the interview process, network with various community leaders, and practice their interviewing skills. Teens were provided proper feedback from hiring gurus, and even kids who struggled with obtaining jobs or self-confidence were providing specific and intentional feedback.

33% of aging out youth will be lured into human trafficking within 48 hours of leaving home

2. Life Skills and Recreation

Mentors serve as a connection to new experiences and opportunities (hobbies, educational opportunities, employment, social and cultural experiences, etc.). It is through this mentoring relationship where opportunities to explore ideas about oneself are presented in a supportive context. The entire goal is to provide an intentional focus on the growth and development of each mentee. 

One of the most challenging life skills for any teenager to learn, regardless of one’s background, is financial literacy. Therefore, WAY Alliance has constructed an 8-week Financial Literacy Program that is primarily focused on handling money and obtaining assets. 

By the end of the course, each mentee will have secured a bank account with the stipend they received from WAY Alliance and begin to learn asset matching. WAY Alliance will provide up to $3,000 in asset matching for each teenager as they learn to save and budget their money for education, living expenses, cars, and things of the like.

The success of WAY Alliance lies within the teenagers themselves. Sometimes they just need someone to take the time to listen to them, invest in them, and show them that they care.

Recently one mentee was asked what he thought about mentoring and what effect (if any) it had on him. His answer was staggering:

“Mentoring has made me feel less lonely and actually have a reason to go out. A lot of foster care kids likely don’t get to spend much time in a single place, so making friends isn’t easy. But having someone who’s willing to take you out places and just be a great person is really nice to have.”

Having a stable and consistent person investing and pouring into the lives of fostered youth is what success is all about. For many who have never experienced relationships of that caliber,  it is the steady and caring presence of a trusted adult that helps pave the way to a bright and successful future.

A horizontal alliance that you can be a part of

If you have ever seen a geode before, you will know how easy it can be to pass one by when merely looking at its outward appearance. With absolutely nothing special about the cut, color, or vibrance, the outside of a geode looks like any other distressed rock.

But what makes a geode so precious is what lies beneath. 

The old adage is true, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Fostered youth are not always polished, shiny, and ready to be displayed. Many come with rough edges derived from traumatic experiences and a lack of care and support. With unrefined social skills or poor modeled behavior, fostered youth come with a unique set of challenges. 

But just like precious gems, they have amazing potential and just as much worth. The refining process just might take a bit more time.

Having a stable and consistent person investing and pouring into the lives of fostered youth is what success is all about.

WAY Alliance derives its name from a variety of sources. For one, WAY stands for Way Awesome Youth, while it also refers to the Christian foundation of being “Followers of The Way” referring to Jesus Christ. Secondly, alliance refers to the relationship between the mentor and mentee. They are allies and friends, experiencing life together every step of the way.

If you’re looking for a way to give of your time and support your community, consider volunteering with WAY Alliance. After all, each youth from foster care is one caring adult away from being a success story. You could be that one person!

And before you find a reason to talk yourself out of it, let this ease your fears. You don’t have to be licensed to foster care, you will be fully trained and equipped before being paired with a young man or woman, and you will not be alone.

Look back on your life and ask yourself, “How did I get to this point?” If you're honest, the answer won’t be because of your own efforts alone. It was the family, friends, and other relationships you had along the way that supported your journey to success.

Wouldn’t you like to be that person for someone else?

Good news—you can.


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