Families Are Moving From Surviving to Thriving Because of This Organization

There are 19 rungs on the Ladder to Self Sufficiency that Serve Denton works to fill through the partnerships with various nonprofits and agencies. Each of these partner agencies specializes in specific areas of expertise that help every member of our community thrive.

But the question presents itself:

How can a person thrive if they are struggling to survive?

For a person to begin climbing the ladder of self-sufficiency, they must first be able to stand on it. The first two rungs provide solid footholds towards the first steps of survival, but without a handhold, he won’t be able to stand for long.

After food and clothing, the third most foundational rung on this ladder, which one can’t hope to survive without, is shelter.

Through the challenges this past year has brought many families, the Denton community has seen an outpouring of generous donations of food and clothing for families in need. But the one thing people can’t always donate is the one thing so many families need: shelter.

According to a recent United Way survey, there were 362 households experiencing homelessness in Denton County in March of 2020. In the 6 months from October 2019 to March 2020, the need for Permanent Supportive Housing has grown greater than the need for Rapid Re-Housing for the first time in our community. 

If that weren’t drastic enough, the past 3 months from June to August of this year, the amount of actively homeless individuals has increased each month.

This increase directly relates to people developing more vulnerabilities and aging into chronic homelessness in the Housing Crisis Response System. 

So much so that there has been a 33% increase in Denton County homelessness from 2019 to 2020

The top 5 reasons for homelessness in 2020 rank as follows:

  1. Family or personal issues

  2. Unable to pay rent or mortgage

  3. Unemployment

  4. Lack of assistance or resources

  5. Physical or mental disabilities  

With such staggering figures, someone has to step up to the plate, and something has to be done.

Luckily, someone has, and something is.

There has been a 33% increase in Denton County homelessness from 2019 to 2020

More than just courteous goodwill

By definition, grace is the courteous goodwill bestowed upon another person, usually unmerited.

Grace Like Rain, (a partner organization of Serve Denton that is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness) has offered more than just courteous goodwill to the families of Denton County. In a year when so many people have struggled to survive, Grace Like Rain has offered life.

Earlier this year, Grace Like Rain was interviewed in regards to its response to the influx of housing needs as the Coronavirus disrupted so many peoples’ lives. In April of this year, their organization had just begun running a COVID Relief Fund for rental assistance, on top of the 32 families they were already serving.

At that time, CEO, Michelle Conner explained, “It’s only inevitable that these one-time-assistance cases will lead to longer-term care.”

As if she could see into the future, she was exactly right.

Quick to act, in hopes of preventing as much homelessness as possible, Grace Like Rain partnered with the City of Denton who helped further fund hotel rooms for families in need of immediate assistance. 

By providing additional hotel rooms, Grace Like Rain was able to double their shelter capacity and, therefore, doubled the number of families not being sent to the street.

This specific COVID Relief Fund increased the number of families they were able to assist at one time. In addition to the previous capacity of 35-40 families being assisted through the Long-Term Case Management Program, they have also assisted an additional 400 families in preventing homelessness in a mere 5 months

Through their prompt agility and collaboration with other agencies, shelter assistance (also known as survival assistance), increased tenfold.

Let that staggering truth sink in.

Where Grace Like Rain has come from … 

“When the need for housing assistance among families in Denton County grew, we knew we had to grow,” Michelle Conner explained.

And that is precisely what they have done.

Through the availability of government funding and grants Grace Like Rain has received this year, they were able to begin meeting the increased need in a new way. But you can’t meet those needs without proper staff and case managers.

Within the past 5 months, Grace Like Rain has brought on 7 new staff members, including 2 part-time employees and 5 full-time employees.

They are also currently in the process of bringing on a COO (Chief Operating Officer) to manage the programs.

They have also assisted an additional 400 families in preventing homelessness in a mere 5 months.

What programs, you ask?

Well, in addition to bringing on a fully functioning staff, new programs, and structures have had to be put in place to rise to the level of need.

The life-changing programs of Grace Like Rain break down as follows:

1. Operations and Intake

Due to Grace Like Rain’s collaboration with United Way and several other agencies in the community, this program includes providing shelter to families in need at The Wheeler House, as well as the COVID-19 Relief Fund (which acts as homeless prevention). This fund has assisted families in paying rent and utilities so they can maintain their current household, rather than being displaced to the shelter or seek long-term assistance.

2. Long-Term Case Management Program

Families can receive services and resources for a 6-12 month period as they take the next steps to create stability within their lives. During these months, families are provided accountability, vulnerability, and relationships through Grace Like Rain so the majority of barriers that would lead to long-term homelessness can be addressed.

3. Life Skills and Training

To equip families with the resources they need to have longevity and stability outside of homelessness, equipping coaches are there to provide classes and education. From parenting classes to life skills classes, to budgeting classes such as Faith and Finance, there is something for everyone. Additionally, in collaboration with local colleges, further academic education is also offered, with 3-4 moms currently ready to move forward in extending their education.

Because Grace Like Rain is a smaller organization, they have been able to pivot and adapt to ample challenges and needs brought on this year. With a very vision-focused Board of Directors and effective staff managing the day-to-day operations, they’ve been able to serve needs as they have arisen and work out the policies along the way. 

And rather than looking behind, Grace Like Rain continues to look ahead.

And where they are going … 

“The needs will always be greater than the ability to meet those needs,” Conner says. But not even that reality is stopping the trajectory they’ve worked so far toward. 

The long-term vision is to create a “community of livers,” where families can live together in a neighborhood of rent-reduced homes—the predevelopment stages are already underway.

With the goal being 44, 2-4 bedroom homes built around a community house, it will be a place of refuge where Grace Like Rain can provide housing and community for families who are struggling. Knowing that for families’ lives to be transformed long-term, community relationships are key where strong supportive support systems can be developed.

This long-term housing program, probably lasting anywhere from 2-5 years will be available to families who are actively engaging in the community and their case management. With the reduced rent, more money can be saved to help families thrive rather than just survive. Rather than living paycheck to paycheck, families will have the opportunity to put extra money aside each month to help them move on to their next steps. 

Whether it is improving job skills, going to school, money can be saved, thus stopping the dollar-for-dollar pattern.

Through this process, families will finally be given the chance to thrive rather than survive… 

Something many people would not have the opportunity to do without the help and support of organizations like Grace Like Rain.

So whether you’re looking for assistance or looking to assist a life-changing organization, Grace Like Rain is here for you. Simply apply online and take your next steps toward freedom, or see how you can come alongside these families and volunteer


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