MHMR is Creating Cinderella Stories Throughout North Texas – And No Pandemic Can Stop Them

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves,”
— Viktor Frankl, survivor of 4 concentration camps.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s taught us that we are more capable of change than we think.

Resistant at first, as stubborn headstrong children bucking up against changing routines, it’s easy to turn your nose up at sudden life changes.

Especially life changes that you didn’t invite in.

Yet the ironic thing about change is that it happens to be the most constant aspect of human life. Change, in some shape or form, is always occurring. And 2020 has definitely been generous in this area.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the unwelcomed changes from the past few months:

  • Social distancing

  • Quarantining

  • Wearing a mask in public

  • Financial challenges and uncertainties

  • Working from home

  • Children schooling from home

  • Working from home and managing children schooling from home

Any one of these is enough to add a moment of reflection and adjustment for any household. Yet, many of us would fall in the category of experiencing most, if not all of these, all within a matter of months. 

What in isolation is just an adjustment has become a stumbling block when grouped together.

We are all connected, and every member of a household affects the others—so each member deserves individualized support as well.

Stress levels, anxiety, and depression have skyrocketed among many individuals facing this wave of this recalibration. Still managing the daily stressors of everyday life, and adding the effects from a pandemic have only served to add oxygen to the fire.

When your plate is already overflowing, how do you manage the excess? 

It can’t be ignored or swept under the rug. It demands your attention ...

It would be nice to have a fairy godmother wave her wand and turn all your tatter to shine, wouldn’t it? 

Unfortunately, you won’t be finding any of those anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get your Cinderella story.

MHMR is the hope you’ve been looking for. Focused on you, and helping change your life for the better, MHMR acts as your burden remover and serves to be the rug you can sweep your worries under.

All things to all people

MHMR (which stands for My Health My Resources) is an agency dedicated to changing lives through providing community-based services.

But that’s only 10% of the iceberg. 

Serving 24 counties in the North Texas area, including Denton County, MHMR has over 400 programs dedicated to serving individuals and meeting each person exactly where they are at. 

Masters in their trade, they’ve been doing this for 50 years.

Using a person-centered approach, and partnering with various community organizations, such as Serve Denton, MHMR is an agency that is truly able to provide (or refer) for any service to provide a hopeful future. Specifically counseling and services for children with developmental delays and their families.

The services provided through MHMR are truly all encompassing. With programs serving veterans, mental health, behavioral health, early childhood, youth services, adult services, disability services (either intellectual or physical), and substance abuse disorders, truly anyone and everyone needing support can find it.

They even have a department called MHMR–Early Childhood Services that works with youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), mental health conditions, and substance use disorders, as well as babies and young children with developmental delays.

In addition to maintaining all of their programs and services, MHMR has actually added programs specifically for those who have been affected by COVID-19

The true prize-winning attribute of MHMR is their value of the individual. Whether they are serving an entire family, or just one child within a family, their goal is to look holistically at each person’s individual needs.

With the entire staff trained in trauma-based relationship intervention, the opportunity to encompass the family as a whole is ripe. Putting their training into practice, MHMR staff have gone the extra mile to connect with each member of the household to provide the resources or support needed for each individual. 

Sure, they are working with little Johnny on how to hold and use utensils, but how is Johnny’s mother doing? 

After all, we are all connected, and every member of a household affects the others – so each member deserves individualized support as well.

Not even a pandemic can slow them down

As an agency that is known for being forward thinking and always beginning with the bigger picture in mind, they haven’t even skipped a beat in serving their neighbors amidst the 2020 pandemic.

MHMR was already piloting telehealth services even prior to COVID-19, which means the transition of getting every staff member trained wasn’t the daunting task that it was for many other service-based organizations. 

The answer is simple. If you need help, come and get it.

By early April, not only were they completely serving clients virtually, they even had the funds to provide hot spots, iPads, and other technological items to families who needed them in order for them to maintain services. Talk about going above and beyond!

In addition to maintaining all of their programs and services, MHMR has actually added programs specifically for those who have been affected by COVID-19 (in any regard). 

Working across the state, MHMR’s newest initiative, “Texans Recovering Together” is a free crisis counseling assistance and training program. This is a short-term program geared to come alongside individuals who have been impacted by the stresses of the virus. Whatever that may be. 

Access to the free crisis line, “iCare”, is available 24/7 via phone or text at (817) 335-3022. Trained mental health professionals are ready and available to walk through any situation, worry, or burden you may have.

With so many people looking for connection, on top of all the daily stressors, MHMR acts as the missing link.

Additionally, the financial barrier that prevents so many people from receiving the support and resources they need, is now alleviated.

With their sliding scale fees, and dedication to getting you the assistance you and your family need, you’d be hard pressed to find another agency that offers high-quality services for such an affordable price.

Money should never be the reason someone receives help or not. 

Don’t let this be the reason you’re prevented from seeking support. MHMR is there with arms wide open, and will work with you wherever you are.

How can MHMR help you?

The answer is simple. If you need help, come and get it.

MHMR is open, and fully serving clients of all ages and in all walks of life. Now also offering hybrid in-person services, you can really pick and choose what you need your support to look like. 

If your children are struggling with the virtual reality of online school, and grieving the connection of their peers, reach out to MHMR

If you’re in over your head trying to manage your job responsibilities, household chores, and helping your children navigate virtual school, reach out to MHMR

If you have been laid off, furloughed, or are even worried about that potential, reach out to MHMR

If you or someone in your household is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, and can’t seem to find help, reach out to MHMR

The possibilities are literally endless. If you’re stressed, hurting, struggling, or anything in between, reach out to MHMR

It’s time to begin your Cinderella story and allow your fairy godmother to transform your tatter into shine. 

For assistance and/or questions regarding what MHMR can do for you, call (817) 569-4300.


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