8 Reasons HSNT Deserves to be Your Top Healthcare Provider (and not just during COVID-19)

If you’re searching for a healthcare provider that actually cares about your health, look no further. 

Health Services of North Texas (a partner of Serve Denton) is a diamond in the rough buried in the heart of the city. From prenatal to elderly care, chronic illness management, and behavioral health, they support you in every one of life’s milestones.

As an untapped resource providing top notch, high quality medical care, here are 8 reasons HSNT doesn’t deserve to play second fiddle.

Entrance of Health Services of North Texas at the Serve Denton Center at 306 N. Loop 288.

1. Anyone and everyone is welcome  

With such high quality care, you’d expect a high ticket price that only few could afford. Yet the opposite is true.

Health Services of North Texas is a “come one, come all” provider.

Financially stable individuals with full access to resources, as well as people who may need a hand up, can both receive quality care. HSNT is open to everyone, and they are ready to serve you.
Wherever you find yourself, don’t let finances be a barrier preventing you from getting the healthcare you deserve. Health Services of North Texas is one of the best healthcare providers in Denton, and her doors are open wide to anyone searching for a medical home.

2. COVID-19 testing and precautions

HSNT has been quick and efficient in their response to addressing the concerns of the community regarding screening and testing of COVID-19.

With the introduction of this virus, access to the essential PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) proved to be a challenge. But through the strategic national stockpile, they’ve received necessary items in order to protect themselves and their patients from the virus, as well as the tests themselves. 

As of March 16th, HSNT has been offering Coronavirus testing at their Mesa Drive location, to individuals who are in line with the CDC guidelines. And with their strategic plan in isolating just one building for such cases, the fear of risking exposure, or worse yet, exposing others to the virus, has been minimalized.

3. Separate facilities for sick and well patients

People above 65 years of age, or who have underlying medical conditions are more at risk for contracting COVID-19 than other individuals. For many, the angst between going into the facility to continue their course of treatment, or staying at home to prevent exposure, has been severe.

Health Services of North Texas has put structure and framework in place so people can maintain their continuity of care for chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and HIV, while staying out of the ER.

Dr. Segal (medical director of HSNT) has dedicated one building at the Denton Center specifically for sick visits, in turn freeing up their other health centers to serve chronic patients, kids who need scheduled vaccines, or women needing their yearly checkup. 

Having separate locations for both the ill and well, removes the added fear of unnecessary transmission. Knowing your safety and protection is their top priority, you can receive your care with confidence.

Health Services of North Texas is a “come one, come all” provider.”

4. Tele-health care from the comfort of your home

It’s crucial for patients to maintain their prescribed health regimine, and stay current on all appointments. And even though the economy has slowed, as well as life as we know it, medical needs have not.

Dedicated to staying on top of the community’s needs, HSNT is doing everything in their power to ensure their patients (both new and old) receive the help they need. With no cluttered waiting rooms, or unnecessary exposure, they are helping to flatten the curve while still fully serving their patients.

In response to COVID-19, Health Services of North Texas has moved to offering the majority of their services on their tele-health platform. Now, with medical visits fully accessible online, 100% of their HIV patients have been able to receive their care virtually without risk.

With this already proven success, it’s likely the tele-health option will continue to be offered even after the pandemic dies down.

5. Behavioral and mental health support

Having an illness is challenging. But when you add aspects like not having access to other services or medication, struggling financially, and battling the daily burdens of chronic pain, hope for treatment becomes daunting.

As measures have been taken to slow the spread of the virus, (such as social distancing, business and school closures, and shelter-in-place orders) it’s led to greater isolation and financial distress. 

And as the pandemic wears on, it is likely the mental health burden will increase.

In just four weeks, Health Services of North Texas has seen dramatic increases in patients’ requests for counseling services. With the heightened sense of fear and anxiety among many chronic patients, HSNT has been quick to make accommodations in ensuring both physical and mental health needs are met.

6. Cohesive plan of care

Health Services of North Texas is dedicated to serving you fully. 

You’re more than just a physical being – your physical health, emotional health, and mental health are all interlinked. Isolating just one of these areas to “fix the problem”, negates the other effects on your overall health. 

Health Services of North Texas waiting room at the Serve Denton Center.

The doctors, nurse practitioners, social workers and counselors at HSNT work hand and hand to provide a holistic health plan specific to your overall needs. Dedicated to providing services that fully surround you, they won’t just plug the hole. Firm believers in empowering patients to take ownership over their own health, they provide the needed resources to reach your optimal health.

Additionally, with such cohesive care, and one comprehensive medical record, you don’t have to travel from doctor to doctor retelling your story for each isolated service. That’s an advantage in and of itself.

7. Mission minded medical staff and providers

A healthy community is composed of healthy individuals - and that’s exactly what HSNT advocates for. 

The medical staff provide quality medical care, of course, but are also committed to adding the necessary tools to your toolkit so you can take ownership of your health. They’re not just going to patch the problem.

Many patients have been shocked to find that the medical staff at HSNT listen longer than any of their previous doctors. Dedicated to the overall quality of your life, it’s this mission and vision that acts as the driving force behind every team member at HSNT…

...and the patients feel the difference.

8. Patients rave about their experiences

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but a raving testimonial is worth a million.You scroll through countless reviews to find a new restaurant worth trying – how much more should you do that for your health care provider? 

Patients are responding well to the ease and convenience of the tele-health platform, as well as the cleanliness and safeguards of the in-patient facilities. Even amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, patients are still recommending the professionalism, friendly staff, genuine care of medical personnel, and cleanliness of Health Services of North Texas. 

So, say goodbye to those doctor visits where you have to talk a mile a minute to address all your concerns in the short amount of time provided to you. Say goodbye to up-charges on each additional service you request. And say goodbye to getting the runaround on the care you actually deserve.

If you would like to learn more about Health Services of North Texas, visit their website at healthntx.org.


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