10 Unique Ways You Can Give Back to Denton County this Holiday Season

Between holiday parties, shopping for the perfect gifts, and traveling to see your loved ones, it's no wonder December flies by. Caught up in the whirlwind of “getting ready for the holidays”, it’s easy to forget to lose sight of what truly matters.

For every family gathering together in a warm home with trees and stockings filled with gifts, there is another family with barely enough food in their pantry, no presents to give their children, or maybe even no home at all.

Although spreading hope and joy shouldn’t be reserved for just the holidays, it is important that kindness, gratitude, and service to others don’t fall off your holiday to-do list.

Wherever you find yourself this holiday season, there are ample ways to give back to Denton County (and they don’t all involve donating money)

Here are 10 ways you can spread hope and cheer to your neighbors this holiday season:

  1. Do a drive to help families in need

One of the best ways to give back to your community is to do a drive and collect needed supplies for local agencies serving families in need. 

  • Denton Community Food Center is always in need of boxed food, canned meals and vegetables, cereals, meat products, and pasta. With over ⅕ of the Denton Community struggling with hunger insecurity, you can gift the gift of food this holiday season. Scour your pantries for some food items you can part with, and know your donations will help your neighbors have a hearty celebratory meal as well.

  • Refuge for Women is the nation’s largest recovery program for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. By collecting various household items such as shampoo and conditioner, facial wipes, batteries, toilet paper and gift cards, you can help support women in their transitional housing.

  • Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center helps women in unplanned pregnancy situations. Facing an unexpected life change is difficult enough without having to worry about resources for your newborn baby. You can support these new moms by donating diapers, formula, baby wipes, baby blankets, and baby clothes to be used for new mom gift bags.

Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County is partnering with The Thrift Store for the Holiday Family Assitance Drive to continue the fight against child abuse. Stuff a bag full of clothes, shoes, toys, household items, dishes, and small appliances to be donated to The Thrift Store and all funds will be used for CAC. Schedule a pick-up by calling 1-888-891-4344 or emailing cacdonate@gmail.com then place your bag outside on the collection day assigned. It’s that simple! To donate to this cause, you don’t even have to leave your house.

2. Buy a gift that gives back

You’re probably already planning on buying a few gifts this holiday season. Why not purchase some that support local agencies? If you're looking for handcrafted leather bags, jewelry, artisan candles or apparel, then shop at Survivor Made . Each Survivor Made product is handcrafted by a survivor of human trafficking and sexual exploitation while a resident as Refuge for Women. 

If your personal shopping list has already been taken care of, you can give a gift that keeps on giving by partnering with Angel Tree (through The Salvation Army). Prisoners who are unable to provide gifts to their children while incarcerated partner with Angel Tree to ensure their child doesn’t feel forgotten during the holidays. You can help these parents and give the gift of the Children's Adventure Bible to remind each child how much they are loved.

And if you’d like to take it a step further, you can volunteer for the Denton Angel Tree Gift Sorting anytime between December 2-17. 

3. Donate your time

Looking for a way to donate but can’t afford any extra costs? Not to worry. You can give the gift of your time and make a huge impact in the lives of struggling people. C7 Human Trafficking Coalition works to establish human trafficking prevention strategies, advocate for victims, and provide recovery services for providers. On December 20th, they will be partnering with Denton Community Friends of the Family for a video shoot and are in need of community members for a variety of roles. Grab your coffee and holiday sweater and meet them at 7:30am at the Denton County Courthouse lawn.

There are plenty of other organizations currently in need of volunteers. Here is a full list of ways you can volunteer in Denton County during the holidays.

4. Participate in local Christmas fundraisers

You can make a foster child’s wish come true this holiday season by supporting the Community Partners of Denton County’s Christmas fundraiser. There are thousands of abused, neglected, and abandoned children right here in our backyard who won’t be expecting any gifts this Christmas. You can help grant these wishes and bring holiday cheer to some much deserving children. 

Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA) is also collecting donations in the form of gift cards for hundreds of local kids’ Christmas gifts. If you’d like to participate, purchase a $25-100 gift card to WalMart, Target, Amazon (or Visa and Mastercard) which will help them buy gifts for about 250 children. Gift cards can be dropped off to Gabriella Lopez at the CASA office located at 610 N. Bell Ave. in Denton. If you’d rather skip the gift card, you can also donate directly as well.

5. Attend events that support the community

  • December 10th

Denton Parks and Rec is hosting their annual Ugly Sweater Holiday Tea on December 10th from 1-2:30pm at 601 E Hickory St. Join them for their annual tea and cookies complete with carols and an ugly sweater contest.

  • December 12th

If you’re looking for a family outing where you can get out and about, come shop local at The Backyard Market-Holiday Edition located at East Side Denton on December 12th between 1-6pm. With over 30 vendors, you are sure to find perfect handmade gifts for your loved ones while supporting local businesses and artists. You can also bring gently used kids coats or canned goods to donate and take advantage of special vendor offers!

  • December 18th

If you’re a fan of music as well as supporting local businesses, Direction 61:3 has the perfect opportunity for you! On December 18th, they will be hosting two concerts to support foster youth aging out of foster care. Who doesn’t love a good two for one?

The FARMraiser concert starts at 4pm and will help Direction 61:3 acquire 4.37 acres in North McKinney which would provide the potential to house 60 youth, administrative offices, a public event center, and the possibility for a youth agricultural program.

The Christmas Mosaix concert begins a little later at 7pm and includes raffles for 12 local restaurants, with all proceeds benefiting Direction 61:3

  • December 23rd

Just because school’s out for the holidays doesn’t mean the learning has to stop! Bring your kids to the Denton Explorium’s Out-Of-This-World Holiday Party from 5:30-8:00pm where they can create galaxies in a bottle, blast rockets, create constellations, metal stamp ornaments, design a new planet and enjoy other holiday arts and crafts.

6. Be an elf

You don’t have to live at the North Pole to complete your local elfly duties. Operation Santa has moved online and anyone wanting to answer letters to Santa can do so from their couch. How does it work? Simply adopt a letter, print the barcoded address label, and let your inner elf run wild.

If you want your packages to arrive by Christmas be sure to mail them by December 10th. But if you’re wanting to extend the holiday cheer into the New Year, packages will be accepted until January 14th. Once it's ready for Santa’s sleigh you can find your closest participating post office here.

Another opportunity is participating in First Baptist Denton’s Elves Shelves, an outreach ministry that assists families who are unable to provide Christmas gifts for their children. Once you are registered you can begin choosing toys for your child. For registration dates, times, and requirements, click here.

7. Help provide holiday meals

Denton Hunger Coalition gives away free food to hungry people at mobile pantry events every second Saturday of the month from 9-11am at the Serve Denton location. Jobs include registering volunteers, running food, and keeping the line moving efficiently. Sign up to help Saturday, December 11th, and help get hungry families stocked for the holidays. 

Our Daily Bread serves over 600 meals daily to the homeless and at-risk in Denton County and has been doing so for over 20 years. Volunteers are their lifeline, and the heartbeat behind making this possible. You can help serve holiday meals this Christmas and build connections and relationships with some of your neighbors in need.

8. Help provide warm homes for the holidays

Not every family will be able to snuggle together in a warm house this Christmas as many struggle to pay their electric and gas bills. Some can’t afford their rent this month and are wondering if they will have a home to gather in at all.

When you donate to Grace Like Rain and Giving Hope, you can help keep their lights on, ovens warm for holiday feasts, and ensure they have a safe place to gather and celebrate together.

Another option is partnering with Hearts for Homes who offers home rehabilitation and home repairs to low-income seniors in Denton County. What could be more meaningful than helping restore dignity, peace, and security to the men and women who invested so much into our community?

9. Support your furry friends

You can’t forget about the four-legged loved ones this time of year…especially when Santa Paws is coming to town. The Eaves Realty Group is partnering with the City of Denton Animal Shelter to benefit the animals in need at the local shelter on December 18th from 10-2pm at 3717 N. Elm St. So bring your fur babies and your human babies for a family holiday photo with Santa himself!

You can also adopt a pet and give shelter animals hope for the pawlidays through the Denton Animal Support Foundation. Even our furry friends deserve a family to celebrate with during the holidays!

10. Raise money for a nonprofit of your choice

Giving back to your community doesn’t have to be a one time thing. Keep the spirit of giving alive throughout the year and consider supporting local nonprofits monthly.

Here’s a list of more Denton County nonprofits who would benefit from your generous donations and time:

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